Welcome to Wendy Enelow's Executive Gateway: Your Portal to $100,000 to $1M+ Careers
Once you've entered the Gateway, you'll find a wealth of resources, tools and information that I've developed in my 20+ years of experience packaging and presenting top talent for top-tier opportunities. Most recently, I've been published, featured and/or quoted in numerous publications including Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and countless others. In addition, my articles have appeared on hundreds of career-related websites, including TheLadders, CareerJournal. Monster, and NETSHARE. Currently, I am the featured careers columnist for The American Legion Magazine.
In addition, I'm a published author with 30+ books on executive job search, executive resumes, executive cover letters, keywords, interviewing, entrepreneurship and more (click here for Bookstore), and a frequent guest speaker at conferences and events nationwide.
Executive Search Candidates in need of expert career planning, career positioning and job search services/support. When you enter the Gateway, you'll find "best-in-class" resources for:
- Executive-Level, Keyword-Rich Resumes and Cover Letters
- Executive-Level Leadership Profiles, Career Biographies and Branding Statements
- Executive-Level Web Portfolios
- Career Planning & Career Coaching Consultations
- Business Plans & Capital Financing Proposals
- Company Profiles, Brochures, Websites & Speeches
Click Here For More Details